JOIN US THURSDAY Jan 5th, TONALLI STUDIO for an informational night about Standard Process' 21-day Purification Program!
We've had our pan dulce and holiday treats, now we need to clean up our bodies for another NEW YEAR! What better way to do it than with a Purification Program??
Standard Process has designed an easy and healthy way to clean your body with minimal effort and huge benefits. Learn how you too can join our group for aJoin us Thursday Night at TONALLI STUDIO for an informational night about Standard Process' 21-day Purification Program! So come out, and find out if you are ready for this new year's whole body cleanse!
WHAT QUESTIONS WILL BE COVERED THURSDAY NIGHT?: * WHat is a purification Program? *Will I have to stop eating? *Will I be sick or have low energy? *Will I loose weight? *Do I have to change my diet or lifestyle habits? *Will I be alone on this program?
These questions and more will be covered! If you have a specific question you need answered before the Program begins...which is JAN 9, 2017. Please come to our FREE informational evening!
***If you already purchased a purificatiom program, you can pick it up at the end of the program on Thursday! The 10-day and 21-day programs will be covered on the SAME night!!